Welcome to Ark Putney
Offers were sent by Wandsworth on the evening of 1st March 2025. Congratulations to all of those that got a place for September. We are so looking forward to welcoming you!
Please ensure that you accept your place. If you did not get a space with us but you would like to join us, please contact our Admissions Managers, p.kelly@arkputneyacademy.org.
What happens next:
Accept your place (details of how to do this are on the offer letter) via Wandsworth.
You will then receive a welcome letter from the school, via email asking you to complete an induction form.
If you have any questions about the admissions process, do not hesitate to get in contact.
Key dates:
24th June 2025 - New Year 7 Parent / Carer Information Evening - 17:00 - 17:45
1st July 2025 is our New Year 7 Induction Day - all students offered a place come and spend the day with us which helps with transition and gives a flavour of life at Ark Putney.
4th July 2025 is our Interview Day, all new Year 7 students joining us in September will attend this day with their parents so we can get a better understanding of each child joining us in September.
7th July 2025 is our Uniform Sale, at the school, between 2pm and 6pm.

Visiting the school
If you would like to visit us again or if you are still considering your child's place, please come and visit us to discuss with the Principal.
First Day of School
On Wednesday 3rd September 2025, Year 7 students should arrive to school between 8:10am and 8:30am in full school uniform, via the Pullman Gardens entrance including their bag and equipment. This will be their first full school day with only year 7 onsite during their first day to help with the transition. Students will finish at 3:20pm and will again exit via the Pullman Gardens entrance.
Chromebook distribution
As part of becoming a student at Ark Putney we loan every student a chromebook so they can access lessons and homework. Students will need to bring these into school and homework will be set via teams for each subject. We distribute the agreement for these at the interviews and then the chromebooks can be collected by the parents or carers on the first day, 3rd September from 8:10 till 9am or 4th September 8:10 till 9am.
Any issues regarding chromebooks please contact our operations manager c.shallcross@arkputneyacademy.org
School Meals
We are a cashless school. You will be provided with a letter and instructions around how to set up an account with iPay. Your accounts will be registered using the email address you have provided us with.
The price for a meal deal which includes either a hot meal or sandwich and a dessert is £2.60. If your child is eligible for benefit-related free school meals, their accounts will automatically be credited with the meal allowance. If this allowance is not used, the balance will be cleared at the end of the day.
Through our partnership with National Schools Breakfast Program and Kelloggs we are able to offer all students access to a free breakfast at school in the morning. This is served between 08:10 and 08:30 in the canteen and includes a choice between, cereals, bagel or porridge. Any other items will need to be paid for by topping up your iPay account.
You can keep up to date with the lunch menus through our Parent Hub.
Free School Meals
As part of your child's enrolment to Ark Putney Academy, there is the opportunity to check their eligibility for free school meals. In order to determine if you are eligible and to apply please click here. We will provide you with an update confirming whether or not your child’s free school meal application has been successful, or if we need further information from you. If you have already submitted further evidence to support your free school meal application, we will check this for you and provide an update during the transition events or first day of school.
Please kindly note that if your child was entitled to free school meals in their primary school, this does not guarantee that they will be eligible from Year 7. Free school meals eligibility is determined at the time of checking based on the information provided.
Uniform and Equipment
Our approved supplier is Khalsa Schoolwear (388-390 Bethnal Green Road, London, E2 0AH).
Khalsa run a pop up shop in the school on Monday 7th July 2025 where you can try on sizes and collect all the uniform needed. Otherwise you can visit the shop or online store here.
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