Our Approach
At APA we carry out specific interventions for our students who are considered to have high prior attainment. These are the students whose SATs results scored in the top 10-15% of their year group nationally. These students therefore have GCSE target grades of 7-9 and A Level target grades of A/A*. Therefore, we provide additional stretch, support and intervention to ensure that these students can fulfil their full potential and flourish at APA.
Our HPA provision is broken into three target areas, which are explained below:
At KS3, HPA students are provided with a booklet of independent stretch and challenge tasks to complete alongside their usual homework. These tasks have been created by all departments at APA and are designed to enrich and broaden the curriculum experience. The booklets aim to develop higher order thinking and critical analysis skills. Students’ engagement and completion of this booklet is tracked throughout the academic year.
These booklets will be launched and monitored at our HPA parents/carers’ events on:
Thursday 26th September 2024 (Launch)
Thursday 23rd January 2025 (Review and Reward)
Thursday 3rd July 2025 (Reflections and Celebration)
KS4 and KS5
At KS4 and KS5 we ensure that HPA students receive focused intervention across all subjects. This is a central part of the teaching and learning priorities at APA. Alongside sophisticated lesson design, our staff are regularly trained to use intentional monitoring to ensure HPA students’ thinking is consistently stretched and challenged. Furthermore, we have committed to developing our knowledge of exam board requirements for the top grades at GCSE and A Level. HPA students have access to a digital bank of exemplar answers from our previous students which are used as a learning tool across subjects. Students’ engagement with these resources is tracked throughout the academic year.
Destinations and super curricular
The third part of our provision for HPA students is based around destinations and aspirations. Across all year groups HPA students are invited to attend super curricular workshops and events which challenge and broaden their thinking, these are regularly advertised on a HPA Teams channel. For example, last year we took a group of students in Year 10, 11 and 13 to Oxford University for a taster day. During this day, students were introduced to the Oxbridge application and interview process, encouraging them to set goals for the future. Last year we also invited the Speakers Trust into the academy to deliver a workshop to a group of Year 7 and 8 HPAs, which was based around improving public speaking skills and advocating for issues which they care for. As a result, students wrote and delivered impassioned speeches about issues related to climate change.
Therefore, overall, our HPA provision provides a wide range of interventions and opportunities for HPAs throughout their time at APA.
If you would like any further information about our HPA provision, please contact our HPA Coordinator, Ms Roome at e.roome@arkputneyacademy.org