Our mission statement is to 'prepare every student to be a pillar of any community'. Not only do we look to our pillar values in lessons to help develop characters, but we believe that our extra-curricular programme offers a wide range of enriching opportunities that are designed to broaden and develop the mind and body of our students at Ark Putney Academy.
There is an extensive range of extra-curricular activities and enrichment opportunities on offer including popular sporting and Creative Arts provision, and opportunities to take part in subject-specific workshops, field trips and research. We also offer students the chance to immerse themselves in different cultures and experiences through a number of trips and visits to museums, exhibitions and theatres. Excursions to local colleges and universities also occur regularly and provide further opportunities for students to enrich and extend their learning beyond the classroom.
At the end of each academic year we have a week of enrichment activities for all year groups which includes our annual sports day and our Enterprise week for year 10 students. We also use various agencies to support our enrichment work and support students in gaining accreditation, such as Jack Petchey 'Speak Out', Fulham Football Club Charitable Trust and First Story.
These activities are an important and exciting feature of school life and contribute enormously to our pupils’ social, moral, spiritual and academic development. So, whether it is cooking or coding, football or netball, debating or dungeons and dragons; we have something for every individual – and we strongly encourage each of our students to get involved.
Students can sign-up with their tutor in advance and clubs are run on a first come first served basis, so we encourage them to register their interest as soon as possible.
Timetable - Lunchtime Clubs
Monday |
Football (Year 9) Basketball (All years) Language Nut (All years) Serious about science (Year 7-10) Creative Writing Club (All Years) Keyboard Club (Year 7) Art Club (Year 7-9) Music Production Club (All) |
Tuesday |
Year 7 Football Language Nut (All years) Badminton and Volleyball (All years) Music Production Club (Year 7) Youth Parliament (All Years) LGBTQ+ Club (KS3) International Student Club (All years) Gardening Club (All years) |
Wednesday |
Year 8 Football MFL film club - (Year 7, 8, 9) Indoor Cricket (All Years) Sports Hall (PBL) International Student Club (All years) Table Tennis Club (All years) Introduction to the Classics (Years 10-13) Geography Lunch Club (Years 7-9) Wellbeing Club (All) Musical Theatre Club (All) |
Thursday |
Table Tennis Club (All years) Year11 Football Girls Cricket Club (All Years) Lego Club (All Years) Language Nut (All years) Percussion Ensemble (All year groups) Music Production Club (Year 8/9) Disability Sport Club (All) |
Friday |
Year 10 Football Basketball (All years) Language Nut (All years) Chess Club (All Years) Keyboard Club (Year 8/9/10)
Timetable - After School Clubs
Monday |
Volleyball (All years) Year 8/9 Rounders Band Practice (All) |
Tuesday |
SALT SEN Pre-Learning Vocabulary (Year 7/8) Band Practice (All Years) Homework Club (Years 9/10) Invite Only Table Tennis Club (All) Duke of Edinburgh Award (Yr9) |
Wednesday |
Sewing Club (All years) Cooking Club (Years 7/8/9) KS3 Cricket SALT SEN Pre-Learning Vocabulary (Year 9/10) Band Practice (All Years) |
Thursday |
Band Practice (All Years) Year 7-8 Football Club Homework Club (Year 7/8) Invite Only Athletics Club (Years 7/8/9) Coding Club (All) Indoor Cricket (All Years) |
Friday |
Junior NBA Basketball (Yr 7 - 10) |